Great Quiz
This one is fantastic, you can determine how conservative or liberal you are on a scale ranging from Jessie Jackson to Ronald Reagan... I was a 10 which puts me right with Hillary Clinton, who I freaking love!
Rants about life, love, politics, history and my new puppy.
This one is fantastic, you can determine how conservative or liberal you are on a scale ranging from Jessie Jackson to Ronald Reagan... I was a 10 which puts me right with Hillary Clinton, who I freaking love!
This has been a fantastic weekend. It started off yesterday evening when I went to dinner and a performance of "A Night Without Pants" at the Empire Theatre (where the show I will be in is going to be) with my friend Collin. It was so nice to catch up. It's funny that we have known each other since we were 11 and even though we don't see each other more than once or twice a year we always feel so comfortable and close during those occassions. It's nice to have that type of friendship. After the show Collin and I met up with our friend Jon, we went and grabbed coffees then retreated to my house for a nice political debate in the backyard...
Balanced forgiver. You're a basically kind person with a sense of balance and boundaries. However, you're no Mother Theresa.
This summer is killing me! When I was in college I could take 5 classes a semester and work 40-60 hours a week at the newspaper. But now, I am not taking any classes and although I work five days a week, it is generally only 30-40 hours a week, but sometimes (last night for example) I just want to sit down and cry. I think I am tired from going back and forth between jobs, the commuting between Davis, Stockton and Sacramento and the emotional drain of missing Brandon.
Dear Red States...
Wow, who'd have thought that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a terrible governor?? It seems like people are finally catching on and realizing that it is more important to elect someone who has a tiny clue what they are doing and not just elect someone because they are famous...
I am at work, should be working, but I needed the mental break. Today has been fine – at least I actually woke up on time. Yesterday I was supposed to get up at 6 am to leave Stockton by 6:40 and get to work in Sacramento by 8ish. Yeah…that didn’t happen. I am a very light sleeper, but I never even heard my alarm go off! Fortunately my mom was kind enough to check and see if I needed to get up, which at that point I very much did. I knew at that point I shouldn’t rush because I was definitely going to hit major traffic and in the back of my mind I knew I should have waited until 9 to leave, but I left at 7:50 instead…and got to work at 9:50!! I can’t believe it took me 2 hours to get from Stockton to Sacramento and the worst thing was a lot of the stopped traffic on the last stretch was because people were stopping to look at an accident that was completely out of the way – hence, there was no reason to slow down at all and we were barely moving!! I can’t stand it when people don’t know how to drive. I think four years of living in LA made me a bit more aggressive when it comes to the road than I used to be. Not sure if that is a good thing.
I know it is only more of the same, but in a sick way it makes me happy. I don't want anyone to ever forget that I voted for Kerry last November - and the "Anyone but Bush" bumper sticker will be on Ned (my car) as long as I have it.
Well tomorrow is Monday, back to the grind. I think that working 5 days a week is more stressful when going back and forth between jobs - I spend two days a week working at UC Davis and three days a week at CSU Sacramento. I guess August will be here soon enough and that will be the end of the archives internship at UCD. But tomorrow it is a long UCD day, then driving back to Stockton for rehearsal. I love how on Sunday night I already can't wait until Friday.
On Sunday, Newsweek magazine revealed that Karl Rove – as you know, the President's closest political advisor -- was responsible for disclosing the identity of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame.
Cjristina has inspired me to complete a number of these silly quizzes - it is also an excellent way to postpone cleaning my room!
You Are an Espresso |
![]() At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping Your caffeine addiction level: high |
I did okay for most of the day yesterday dealing with what had happened in London, but when I got home I put the news on and they were talking about Kings Cross and it hit me - Brandon and I were just the last few months we have been at the station so many times and the bed and breakfast we stayed at was less than two blocks away. We spent time in each of the other areas as well. Brandon was just in London a few days ago when he came home from Sierra is so scary to think that something like that could just happen and change lives forever. With this, like with 9/11, it makes me worry about not living enough, not accomplishing enough. What if this happens where I am next week or next month or next year? There is so much more that I want to experience and I want to hurry up and do it all right away just in case.
Woke up this morning with the news that multiple bombs had gone off in London. It was terrible news and I was a little extra concerned knowing that Brandon’s parents arrived in the UK this morning. He lives about 3 hours north of London, so I figured he was safe and I was nearly positive his folks arrived at Manchester airport not London Heathrow, but still I was concerned. I tried to call before dashing off to work, but of course, nothing would go through. Around 10 PST I was able to leave a voice message for him. I took an early lunch and tried in vain to call – again nothing would go through. Fortunately right before I was to head back to work he called me back. He and his parents are all fine – they had indeed flown into Manchester. I was definitely happy to know they are all safe. For those who were affected by the London bombings, you are in my thoughts. I can’t understand what anyone thinks will be achieved by killing innocent people who are merely on their way to work or school. I suppose no matter how I question this, I will never be able to understand the motive behind such acts.
Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male |
Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
Wednesday is a very important day, not only is it my birthday, but it is also an opportunity to let eight of the most powerful leaders in the world know how we feel about the poverty and AIDS crisis in Africa. Please take a few seconds to visit this site and sign the petition:
I think I will celebrate this "cool" day but not spending too much time outside. In fact I think I will celebrate this cool day by not doing much of anything. Last night was nice. My parents took me to dinner for my birthday (it's really Wednesday) which meant i got to have two of my favorite things: lobster bisque and chocolate souffle. I think one of the reasons I enjoy lobster bisque so much doesn't even have to do with the taste, I associate it back to the "yada, yada, yada" Seinfeld episode. If you are not a Seinfeld fanatic like me, let me remind you what an important role lobster bisque played in this episode:
I am so glad I don't have anything to do today and I can sit around and watch Live 8 all day. It would only be better if I were actually at the London concert because they certainly got the best line-up! I hope that these concerts and the world wide support shows the men at the G-8 summit that they could make a difference in the world. Let's make poverty history!