Sunday, July 03, 2005

it's going to be a cool day - only 99!

I think I will celebrate this "cool" day but not spending too much time outside. In fact I think I will celebrate this cool day by not doing much of anything. Last night was nice. My parents took me to dinner for my birthday (it's really Wednesday) which meant i got to have two of my favorite things: lobster bisque and chocolate souffle. I think one of the reasons I enjoy lobster bisque so much doesn't even have to do with the taste, I associate it back to the "yada, yada, yada" Seinfeld episode. If you are not a Seinfeld fanatic like me, let me remind you what an important role lobster bisque played in this episode:

Elaine tells Jerry and George a story about a date she went on 'he picked me up, we went to dinner, I had the lobster bisque, we went back to my place and yada, yada, yada I never heard from him again.' Jerry says, 'but you skipped the best part.' And Elaine's response is priceless, 'no, I mentioned the bisque.'

Gotta love it!

I was also a bad girl last night because I opened my gifts since we were in a celebratory mood, which included the card and package that Brandon sent me (that specified they not be opened before my birthday...oops!) But since he has been in Sierra Leone for the last two weeks there hasn't been much communication (two cards from him and an "i'm alive" email is pretty much it). He will be able to call me on my actual birthday and that is present enough. I just wanted to feel close to him before he is back in the UK Tuesday and we can talk - is that so wrong? At work the other day a guy told me I won the long distance relationship award for being with someone who is so far away. It is certainly not ever an honor I was looking for, but I will accept it for the time being. I just can't wait until B comes home in feels so far away right now!


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