Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Fire the evil Karl Rove!!

On Sunday, Newsweek magazine revealed that Karl Rove – as you know, the President's closest political advisor -- was responsible for disclosing the identity of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame.

The agent, Valerie Plame, worked on weapons of mass destruction for the agency and by exposing her identity, the leaker could have jeopardized the lives of other covert agents in the field. At best, it was recklessly irresponsible; at worst, it was malicious; and either way, the leaker undermined our national security.

President Bush has pledged to fire anyone who helped leak Plame’s name to the press. Now we know that the person responsible was Karl Rove. Please take a moment to sign the petition telling the President to keep his promise now at:



At 12:28 PM, Blogger Annie said...

I totally agree. I was trying to keep the fact that I thought he was satan out of the post, but I am pretty sure it is true. Rove is the President's brain...now that is a scary, scary thought.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Cjristina said...

I just sent you an email about this between cooking bouts. Go figure, great minds unlike Mr. Satan Rove's, think alike.


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