Thursday, May 18, 2006

Graduation 2006

It is amazing to think about how much life can change in only a few years. Looking back six years at my high school graduation I can remember being anxious to get on my way to college, to life in LA, to an idea of independence I had been craving for years. I was thrilled at the prospect of making new friends in a new place. And even though I cried when my parents left me in my dorm room in Desmond in August 2000, it was tears of change more than anything else.

College graduation in 2004 left me facing a new challenge - life back in Northern California, single and still unsure what I wanted out of my future. When I left my apartment in LA on May 14, 2004 it took everything in me not to burst into tears. I was leaving the life I had known for the last four years for a new unknown. This was a change that I hadn't spent my life planning for like going to away college. In a lot of ways I felt like I was starting over in a lot of ways.

And now that I will be awarded my Masters Degree tomorrow it's so strange to look back and see all that I have done in the last two years and how different my life is than it was in 2000 or even in 2004. During these years I have created a home in a new place, found new friends, traveled to England, Scotland, Los Angeles and Washington DC, made my way through a new academic program and crafted a 311 page thesis (okay, okay 250 pages were appendices but still I can brag!). And on top of it all, I was lucky enough to reconnect with a man who has become a supportive and loving partner.

I suppose that this is one of those points in life when I need to stop and be thankful for how blessed I have been.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Today I got the final signature and submitted my thesis. That's right, it's done with and out of my hands. I am so done! So please indulge my selfcongratulatory moment.


This seriously may be one of the greatest moments in my life so far. I can't believe I am going to get a Master's Degree. Who'd have thunk it?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Update 5.1.06

Let's see, I have been at my new job for two full weeks and I really like it. The people in the office are really friendly and relaxed and they have been flexible about school conflicts during the first few weeks. I have been very busy so the days are passing a lot faster than at my old job and that is really helpful. Even though I am working five days instead of three, it doesn't feel like that much longer. Except that four day weekends are definitely longer than two day weekends :)

Another positive is that I picked up my thesis from both readers last week and they approved it! Now a copy has been printed on insanely expensive paper and I will start gathering signatures tomorrow. When I get the last one Thursday I plan to submit the entire thing immediately afterward and what a relief that will be!

There are still a few more things on my plate including my presentation on Monday and graduation itself, but soon I will be able to go to work and come home and not have anything else on my mind. It will be fantastic - at least, for awhile. I am sure i will get bored eventually and wish I was in school again, but right now I am looking forward to a break.