I can't believe I didn't post this last week...but now that i have some down time I feel it is a story that needs to be shared - at least for the humor of it.I am not sure which is better, this story or the original
Boys are Dumb, but they are both pretty entertaining!
The story really begins in September when I had to attend a meeting instructing history graduate students how to be graders. Having been a grader last semester, I wasn't too excited about going, but I would be paid, so what the heck. At this event I met a boy, we'll call him S, who had been assigned to the professor I had graded for during the spring semester. After the "training" session was over, S and I spoke a bit about the class and the prof and I gave him some tips. He is in his first semester of grad school so we also talked a bit life before graduate school, but it was brief.
Fast forward a few weeks and I received the following email from him:
Hey Annie,
I'm one of the graders for the History Dept and I met
you at that union meeting that one Friday. I had some
questions about how you graded for Dr. X's
class. Do you want to meet on campus some time?Now, I am not the type of girl that guys try to pick up on, so I am not to bright when it comes to being hit on, but I thought to myself, "hmm...sounds a bit fishy - I mean, who has questions about grading?" But I thought, well, I can't say to him, "I think you are interested in me and don't really have a question," because how self-absorbed would THAT be? So I email him back and agree to meet him about a week later in between work and my class.
The day rolls around that I have to meet him and I know it is going to be bad. At work I spent the day trying to figure out to casually tell S that I have a boyfriend without sounding like a b*tch. We meet up and he dives into random conversation, tries to get me to go into the Union and eat with him, but I decline and suggest sitting outside. As we sit down on the bench of a planter I turn my body to look at him, while he continues talking while facing directly forward...clearly things are already uncomfortable!
So he talks about how he used to live in Davis, hints around going up to Davis that night and going out (as if I am going to say, "oh, where, maybe I will join you"). Finally I manage to raise the issue of having a boyfriend (albeit not very smoothly), but S just keeps on talking. I finally manage to steer the conversation to the class (you know, the supposed reason we were meeting at all) and we talk a bit about it. Eventually i pull my book for that nights class out of my bag and beg off, saying I need to read.
No where in the conversation to did ANY question about grading come up. I mean, come on, at least make up a fake question to start off the conversation and then hope it goes somewhere. I felt badly for him, I mean I am sure he's a nice person, but don't lie to a girl to get her to meet you. Afterwards I wondered if he thought that we were going to be on a date? I mean, he got me to meet him under false pretenses. It was all very strange. My roommate's comment: "That guy needs to work on his game!"