Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Another List

Seven things you plan to do before you die!!
1. Figure out what I am doing
2. become the first honest politician
3. Move to Europe, at least for awhile
4. Get married
5. Have a baby
6. Fight for women’s rights and gay rights
7. Have a puppy

Seven things you can do!!
1. Get a Masters Degree
2. Enjoy spending time alone
3. Be happy
4. Be a supportive friend and partner
5. Laugh…a lot
6. Design good layout and content for newspapers and newsletters
7. Sing

Seven things you can't do!!!
1. plan my life like I want to
2. fix other people’s problems
3. really believe that things will work out the way I want them to.
4. exercise enough
5. eat healthy enough
6. stop drinking iced mocha’s
7. figure out what to do next

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex!!
1. Sense of humor
2. smile
3. intelligence
4. cute face
5. athletic body
6. good chemistry between the two of us
7. supportive family relationships

Seven things you say most!!!
1. oy
2. does a sigh count as saying things?
3. Is it really only Monday?
4. Law and Order is on.
5. I am tired.
6. Do you know how much gas cost?
7. I love you.

Seven celebrity crushes!!!
1. Christian Bale
2. John Cusack
3. Brad Rowe
4. Ewan McGreggor
5. Christopher Meloni (Stabler on Law and Order SVU)
6. Colin Farrell
7. Brad Pitt


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