Monday, August 15, 2005


I feel like I want to post something deep and meaningful, but I also want to take a nap…being as I am at my internship, neither is going to happen, but I figured I would post something since I am trying to pass the time. I was left four projects to complete by my supervisor today. I did them all before noon. So I have spent the last three hours trying to create additional projects for myself to fill the remainder of my work day. So far I must have done something, but I couldn’t tell you what. I still have another 45 minutes to get through.

Let’s see what can I babble on about? Well, for one thing I am excited about only having 3 days and 1 hour left of my internship (clearly). I am also very excited about Brandon coming home in 28 days – trust me, I will only continue to get more and more annoying about this as the date approaches. Just remember, we will have been apart for nearly 3 months on September 12.

This past weekend I had a lot of meetings about my thesis and so far everyone has been very positive. I have three interviews scheduled and a fourth pending the selection of a time/date. I have two more initial meetings set for this Friday. Which, unless they are completely horrified by me, means I will have 6 participants lined up! That means I only need 2 more in order to meet my minimum of 8. Mainly I just can’t wait to start the interviews. I love listening to people tell stories about their lives – what their childhood was like, what their parents did, how they decided what they wanted to be when they grew up… it’s funny because people often don’t see why their story is important, why it should be captured as history. But every story helps provide a stronger, clearer vision of what a community was truly like for the people who lived it. Let’s face it, most people were normal, common people not presidents or generals, therefore this is history that people can connect with, that they can understand, because their family members lived it.

Anyway…40 more minutes…I certainly hope someone has sent me an email or something…entertain me!!


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