Tuesday, February 28, 2006


People are finally coming to their senses...too bad he's still got two years to go...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I am in a weird mood today. On Monday I went to a second interview for a full time, benefited position on campus and I felt like I did pretty well. I had to give a 5 minute presentation and brought in a Power Point to go along with it. They said they were impressed because I was the only person so far to do anything other than talk [and no, I wasn’t the first person to go]. They said that they had two more interviews and then they have to do everything through HR, which can take some time. I don’t really feel anxious or stressed about it, but they haven’t called my references and that is kind of bugging me.

Things always work out for a reason – and they always turn out in the end, even if getting there meant going through things that you never thought you wanted. So if I didn’t get a new job, I still have a few months of school and staying where I am means more flexibility: time for working on my thesis, less hours and more time to spend with Brandon – it would be fine. But if I did get a new position, I would feel more secure about where I will be after May 19. I could know that I would still have a job and health insurance…

I guess I would just like to know one way or the other so I can start on a new plan.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bonnie Update

She's five months old now, and getting so big! Look at the difference between baby Bonnie and big girl Bonnie:

Why won't they stop cleaning?

This weekend, I am pretty sure the people in the apartment upstairs killed somebody. I never heard any loud thuds or screaming or anything…but these people (and I thought it was two girls, but now I think someone moved out and it’s a girl and a guy, or maybe it’s two girls and a guy…who knows) vacuumed at least 6 times between Friday and Sunday. Our apartment is less than 1000 square feet. You can vacuum the entire thing in 10 minutes without having to unplug the vacuum if you pick the right plug when you start.

So 6 times, starting around 9 pm on Friday night, seemed a little excessive to me. It got to the point where Brandon said “If they vacuum one more time, I think you should call the police.” To which I responded, “And tell them what – the people upstairs are cleaning too much, something must be wrong?” “It’s Davis, what else have they got to do?” Point taken.

There is just something very odd about that apartment – maybe it makes the people who inhabit it crazy or something. The previous tenants were insane. The guy was actually wanted by the police for skipping out on his DUI hearing, so he never left the apartment. Just wandered around up there all day slamming things around or playing music so loud it sounded like Sarah and I lived in a freaking night club. He threatened the apartment manager on a number of occasions and we are pretty sure he broke Sarah’s car window after approaching her and saying that she had run into his car (which she hadn’t). He also set off a pipe bomb in the complex spa. There isn’t much that needs to be said about his girlfriend except she stayed with this freak and supported him. We were so grateful when they moved out, and the new people seemed fine until this weekend…who knows what went on up there…

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Think you know me?

As Sarah said, "All the cool kids are doing it."

The results are somewhat interesting...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Not nearly as good as the toilet story, but...

Your Birthdate: July 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June

Monday, February 06, 2006

Our toilet rocks...literally...

Our toilet rocks. Literally. From side to side and a little bit forward and backward...this doesn't seem good. Sarah made a little sign for the toilet and we took some fun pictures with it - it was this or going to bed. We hope that the maintenance man gets some entertainment out of the sign, that is hoping that he fixes it tomorrow because a rocking toilet doesn't seem like a good thing. And yes that is a Che puppet sitting in a bag of pads on the toilet. Don't ask me, that was all Sarah.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

What's next?

You would think that a person would be happy to sit back and enjoy their final semester of school, the last moments of flexible life they will ever have unless they find the greatest job ever. You would think that with only 1 actual course to attend I would be completely on top of writing my thesis and working without too much worry.

But this is me. I am nearly done with the project portion of my thesis, but still have my 40-80 page paper to write. And I am freaking out. To make myself stress out even more I have been constantly applying for full time positions – some on the other side of the country because – apparently I think that moving to another state in the middle of completing my thesis would be a fantastic idea.

While I am at work, or lying in bed at night I start thinking about all the things I need to do. Yet when I get home from work at 5, I am tired and hungry. Beyond eating, watching TV and organizing some paperwork I just can’t get anything done. Even the thought of spending any more time in front of the computer makes my eyes hurt. Hence all the crap television marathons that my roommate and I have had lately. And I can’t work all the time, I don’t want to go insane. I need down time. Lately I have been doing a fair amount of yoga, which helps provide a little unwinding time/workout. At school they offer lunchtime wellness classes for employees so my supervisor and I are doing yoga on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. Plus I have been going once or twice a week to a yoga studio in Davis that I really enjoy.

I also re-arranged my work schedule so that I have four day weekends in an attempt to give myself more time for academic work. And if I can keep myself on track I could, theoretically get a whole lot done. But will I? I sure hope so. This weekend will be the test, if I can make some good progress during the next four days I think I will feel like I am in a better place with it all. I just need to get it done so that I can start thinking about the next step – like, where will I be living after July 15? Hopefully in whatever magical city that has provided me with a full time, benefited job. I know life will fall into place and everything will be fine, but I am such a planner, it’s just so hard not knowing where I will be in 5 months.