My first picture with a famous person!
Last Thursday I went to LA to support my former newspaper staff with a huge event they were putting on - Speaking Engagements by James Carville and Ann Coulter for the Fourth Annual First Amendment Education Week (an event that I helped to found [year 1] and then organize [year 2]. The evening went exceedingly well with some many students turning up that while 800 were admitted, between 250 and 500 were turned away!

Carville was an incredible speaker and I was lucky enough to attend the special reception for him beforehand. Coulter was, well, the hate spewing individual that she is famous for. She said very little, and nearly everything was factually incorrect. The worst part was that a small number of students sitting directly behond me were really into her, including a completely OC girl in all pink who said "first Ann, I just want to say you are my role model and I want to be just like you." And the part where Carville said that to get this nation back on track that rich people may need to pay a bit more in taxes and these kids booed. A group of 18-21 year olds actually booed at the idea that they would have to give up some of their mommy and daddy's money to help others...
But all in all it was a great weekend, I got to catch up with a good number of my friends from down there which is always a blast. Starting tomorrow I am at work almost full time, my last first class is Tuesday. I can't believe that in 4 months I will have an MA and be starting over again...but for now i am watching the Kings and just trying to enjoy my afternoon.
Blech! I probably would have started throwing things at people which would have undermined the whole purpose of the event so I guess its good that I wasn't there. I'm glad you had a good weekend. Today was a beautiful day....just the relaxation I need before I start my 12 hour days tomorrow....I am taking way too many classes to be working full time but I am feeling up for the challenge so wish me luck :-)
I am so glad that during my undergrad classes I had flexible employment by working for the school paper. I still spent a crapload of time there, but was always able to get my school work done too. And in grad school I have been able to work part time, which has helped me power through.
I wish you luck! Working all those hours and taking classes has to be a struggle, but jsut think about how happy you will be when you are done!
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