Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Thank Goodness...

At least SOMETHING is going right these days...lets hope this gets all the way through and becomes law!


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Annie said...

Wonderful Paul! Actual good ol' Arnold has said it is a matter for the courts to decide and if it makes it to his desk he will sign it - I mean, he is from Hollywood, the man has got to have A LOT of gay friends... we can hope!

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Annie said...

i know, i know...I knew it was someone speaking on his behalf, but I had an idealistic hope that he wouldn't veto it. But he said he is. I hate Arnold.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger MezzoDragon said...

I think that the problem that needs to be addressed are the legal rights of the couple. The problem is that they want "Marriage" which is traditionally a religious issue. Anyone who doesn't have their head up their ass knows that homosexual relationships are as old as time itself. And if anything we are less accepting of it now than we were a few centuries ago. But because our country was based on Puritan ideals it is a difficult thing for some people to get past.

(Stupid rant about someone who married the spawn of satan and should get a divorce removed)

Anyway, it should be more important for gay people to achieve the rights associated with a permanent bond-after all most of those rights are LEGAL. That is the important part right? The largest, if not only, thing in their way is that people don't want them using a title based on RELIGION. Why not work on accomplishing their goal of equality without that one stupid word. Instead they want to prove some sort of point. Get the rights, then call it whatever the heck you want.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Annie said...

In California, domestic partnership laws were established in the summer of 2003 (?), but it still isn't the same as being able to call someone your husband or wife. Of course achieving the rights themselves are the important part, but if two people want to spend the rest of their lives together they should be able to be married just like heterosexual couples...and anyone who says that hurts the sancity of marriage obviously hasn't looked at the rate of these straight couples who are divorcing and cheating on one another.

I think that being able to be married is more about being accepted in society than being tolerated - and there is a big difference.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger MezzoDragon said...

If the civil rights movement did anything-it demonstrated that there will always be favoritisim. The only thing that changes is who it is shown to. Political Correctness was a good idea-but I don't think anyone would dissagree that it can be taken too far.
In high school you will find a club for every nationality-except white. If as a white student if I had walked into a meeting of "the Philipino Club", the "African-American Club", or "MeCha" I would have been greeted with weird looks at best, if not open hostility. Whereas every now and then you hear about someone trying to start a "White" club-and they are immediatly labeled as "KKK". Tell me this is not a double-standard.

And what about the modern AAmerican community and their use of the word N*****? See, I can't even write it! The only time I enjoyed watching someone use that word was in Rush Hour-because Jackie Chan then tried to say the same thing.

I understand that there really is no such thing as "Equal but Separate". All I am saying is that once the rights are achieved-because the Domestic Parnership laws are not comprehensive enough. Then call it what you want-everyone calls a "facial Tissue" Kleenex. So after a certian amount of time (probably not much) that type of union would be commonly refered to as Marriage.

The fact that the "Sanctity of Marriage" is even mentioned just illustrates the fact that it is a religious issue-hence, the word: sanctity. The whole concept of the "Sanctity of Marriage" is flawed anyway-it's dealing with two people and an emotional relationship-which are highly prone to change. Today Divorce is more accessable, acceptable, and affordable than it has ever been before. Therefore it is more common. And no gender, sexual orientation, or time period is less prone to cheating than the others. Some were just better at hiding it.

At 3:06 AM, Blogger Cjristina said...

You can call the governor's office to voice your opinion on AB849. OK it doesn't let you voice it exactly but you do get to push button your approval. I did it after the assembly had passed it. It may not make that much of a difference to the "governator" but it does to me.


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