Thursday, September 15, 2005

Brandon's Back!

So last night my classmates were all excited to hear that Brandon was home safe and sound. Guess I should have posted about that a few days ago, huh? Oops!

Well, he walked through the gate Monday a bit after 2 and we were so happy to see each other. We came back to Stockton and had a yummy dinner (Thai food) with his parents. Then just snuggled for awhile - not in the restaurant, don't worry. It was so weird to think that we hadn't even been able to look at each other for three months and there we were, just happily in each others arms as if we hadn't been apart at all.

After work I will be heading back to Stockton to do a thesis interview, then Brandon, his mother, grandmother and I are going to the symphony (his dad is the tuba player). It's just so refreshing to be with him. I am very content right now.


At 3:15 PM, Blogger Shan'Chelle said...

That sounds like a fabulous use of your time...much more productive than blogging about it :-P

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Annie said...

Thanks! It's good to share with others too though...I'll try to be better!


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